Vision, Mission and Goals of the Faculty of Sports Science


To become one of the leading faculties in the Southeast Asia region in the fields of sports education, education and training, as well as sports science and technology, in 2020 based on devotion to God Almighty


Organizing Quality Education in the Fields of Sports Education, Education and Coaching, and Sports Science and Technology Based on Faith in God Almighty. Organizing Research Activities and Disseminating Knowledge, Research Results, and Innovative Learning Models at the National and International Levels. Organizing Service Activities to the Community as an Effort to Implement Sports Education, Education and Coaching, as well as Sports Science and Technology for the Progress of the Nation. Improving Faculty Governance. Increasing Local, National and International Cooperation. Developing the Foundation and Implementing Policies to Become an International Standard Faculty.


In order to achieve the Vision and implement the Mission of the Faculty of Sports Science, the objectives of the Faculty of Sports Science are set as follows:Producing professional staff who are moral and religious in the fields of sports education, education and training, as well as sports science and technology. Producing graduates who are competitive and adaptive to changes in the global environment. Creating graduates who are competitive, intelligent, polite, physically and spiritually healthy .Producing scientific works and learning models for sports education, education and training, as well as innovative sports science and technology. Disseminating sports science, knowledge, research results and learning models at national and international levels. Increasing quality and achievement in sports science and science. , and technology through community service. Helping the community in solving sports problems by utilizing research results. Realizing good governance (good faculty governance).Implementation of quality services according to customer needs. Establishment of cooperation at local, national and international levels. Establishment of superior faculty in the Southeast Asia region in 2020.Building an academic culture with a global perspective.