A Brief History

In the development of FIK UNP Padang since the establishment of B1 physical education in 1960, it has undergone many name changes.

The development of FIK can be divided into several periods, namely:

  1. Period B1 Physical Education (1960 – 1961).
  2. Period of Physical Education Department, FKIP UNAND ( 1961 – 1964 ).
  3. Jakarta Sports High School (STO) Period, Padang Branch ( 1964 – 1977).
  4. FKIK IKIP Padang period ( 1977 – 1983).
  5. FPOK IKIP Padang period ( 1983 – 1999 ).
  6. FIK UNP Padang period ( 1999 – Sampai Sekarang )

1. Period B1 physical education (1960 – 1961)

In 1960 in the city of Padang a Higher Education on Sports was established, called the B1 Physical Education course, which aimed to educate prospective Sports teachers in high school secondary schools. The West Sumatra Physical Education B1 course is under the guidance and supervision of the Head of the West Sumatra Physical Education Department.

2. Period of Physical Education Department FKIP UNAND (1961 – 1964)

Based on the Decree of the Minister of PP and K No. 6/1961 dated 7 February 1961 and No. 7/1961 dated 8 February 1961, starting from 1 January 1961 all B1 in West Sumatra were integrated into FKIP UNAND. Thus, the B1 Physical Education Course changed to the Physical Education major at FKIP UNAND. Furthermore, FKIP UNAND changed to IKIP Jakarta Padang Branch based on:

  1. Presidential Decree No. 1 in 1963.
  2. PTIP Ministerial Decree No. 55 of 1963 dated 22 May.
  3. PTIP Ministerial Decree No. 34 of 1961 dated 4 May 1964

3. Period of the Jakarta Sports High School (STO) Padang Branch (1964 – 1977)

Based on PTIP Ministerial Instruction No. 1 of 1963 and the decision of the Minister of Sports on 11 September 1963, in order to realize Presidential Decree No. 23 of 1963 as well as a Wire Letter from the Department of Sports dated 11 September 1963, the physical education department at FKIP Jakarta Padang Branch was handed over to STO Jakarta and was named STO Jakarta Padang Branch. On March 19 1964, the Padang branch of the Jakarta Sports High School was handed over under the Department of Sports. In 1965, STO Jakarta Padang Branch began graduating students at the Bachelor level. Then in 1966 the Bachelor of Sports level was opened.

4. Period of the Faculty of Sports Science Teaching (FKIK) IKIP Padang (1977 – 1983)

Based on Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 042/0/1977 dated 22 February 1977 all STOs were integrated into IKIP. STO Jakarta Padang Branch was integrated into IKIP Padang through a struggle supported by all elements in this area so that it could become a Faculty within IKIP Padang. In this period, 4 departments began to be developed, namely:

  1. Sports Coaching Department
  2. Marketing and Recreation Department
  3. Department of Sports Health
  4. Department of Sports and Health

At the end of this period, collaboration was carried out with the government of the Federal Republic of Germany, in order to improve and implement the curriculum.

5. Period of the Faculty of Sports and Health Education (FPOK) IKIP Padang (1983 – 1999)

Based on RI Presidential Decree No. 40 of 1982 dated 7 September 1982 and Minister of P and K of the Republic of Indonesia No. 0174/0/1983 dated 14 March 1983, FKIK changed its name to Faculty of Sports and Health Education (FPOK). The Ministerial Decree above aims to organize departments in Faculties within State Universities/Institutes. FPOK IKIP Padang has the following departments:

  1. Department of Sports Education
  2. Department of Health and Recreation education
  3. Department of Coaching Education

6 . UNP Padang FIK Period (1999 – Until Now)