goals and strategies

  1. FIK targets

In order to implement the Tri Dharma of Higher Education to improve the quality of institutions and graduates based on the vision and mission and objectives of the Faculty of Sports Sciences, the following internal and external targets are set:

Internal Goals:

  1. Improving the academic qualifications and professionalism of lecturers and other educational staff at the Faculty of Sports Science
  2. Improving academic services based on information technology
  3. Improving the quality and quantity of facilities and infrastructure supporting the learning process.
  4. Improving the quality of the Tridharma of Higher Education (Teaching, Research and Community Service) is carried out by:
  • Organizing educational and teaching activity programs to produce undergraduate and postgraduate program graduates who are superior, professional, have character and have faith and are devoted to God Almighty.
  • Ensure the implementation of quality learning by Lecturers in the Physical Education Study Program by involving the Internal Quality Assurance Group (GPMI) and the Quality Assurance Unit (UPMI).
  • Improving the quality of teaching for lecturers in the FIK environment
  • Producing graduates who have professional, pedagogical, personal, social competencies based on science and research, and the ability to work with minimum standards of graduate quality measured through a Cumulative Achievement Index (GPA) of at least 3.10
  • Carrying out research activity programs through development independently or jointly with other institutions in the field of Physical Education, Health and Recreation, coordinated by LP
  • Improving Community Service program services within the Penjaskesrek study program in coordination with LPM.
  1. Review of the FIK UNP environmental studies program curriculum in accordance with the KKNI;
  2. Improving quality assurance is carried out in coordination between the Study Program Quality Assurance Unit (UPM) with the Faculty Quality Assurance Group and the University level Quality Assurance Agency/University Internal Quality Assurance Agency.

External Goals

  1. Producing professional Physical Education teaching staff at primary and secondary education levels
  2. Producing reliable and professional coaches and instructors in various sports
  3. Produce various professional staff in other sports fields
  4. Producing graduates who are concerned about the progress and decline of sporting achievements at regional, national and international levels
  5. Producing graduates who have an entrepreneurial culture in managing sports activities.
  6. Organizing programs of cooperation and partnership activities with agencies both at home and abroad.
  7. Organizing socialization, promotion, selection and recruitment program activities to produce prospective students who are better in quality and quantity

2. Achievement Strategy

Implementation of the above development priorities is supported by a strategy for achieving activities through short-term, medium-term and long-term activity programs as follows:

  1. Short Term: 2015-2016
  1. Carry out curriculum evaluation based on study and development tracer results
  2. Compile and formulate learning outcomes for FIK graduates
  3. Carrying out monitoring and evaluation related to 3 areas: education, general and infrastructure and student affairs objectively and accountably
  4. Carrying out Sturdy leadership (Independent, Accountable, Neutral, Transparent, Fair and Professional)
  5. Providing opportunities for the FIK academic community to carry out research and dedication
  6. Minimum S1 Cumulative Achievement Index 3.10
  7. Minimum Master's Grade Point Average of 3.25

Medium Term 2015-2018

  1. Determine the entire curriculum that is implemented by each PS at FIK UNP based on KKNI
  2. Become a faculty who has the rights and authority in administering PPG and the Training and Sports Science Accreditation Institution
  3. Allocating funds for the development of teaching staff and education personnel as an effort to increase the capacity and capability of UNP FIK human resources
  4. Facilitate the development of laboratories to support lectures, research and community service for FIK UNP lecturers
  5. Development of research results (scientific work of lecturers and students) and the results are published in national, international ISSN journals and on university websites.
  6. Establish cooperation (MoU) with KONI institutions (Provincial and City/Regency), Dispora, Sports Management, and other related institutions
  7. The average study period for S1 is 8 semesters and for Masters 4 semesters
  8. Lecturers with doctoral degrees 45%
  9. Professors reach 10%
  10. Completeness of facilities and infrastructure reaches 90%
  11. IT system carrying capacity reaches 90%

Long Term 2015-2020

  1. Formulate Faculty Graduate Profiles according to Learning Outcomes
  2. Conducting seminars, workshops, workshops on various aspects related to efforts to improve the academic and professional abilities of lecturers in the field of education and learning, including e-learning, writing textbooks, syllabi, lecture program units, hand out, and job sheet
  3. Assigning lecturers to internship activities at various universities
  4. Providing educational assistance for further studies for lecturers and other educational staff
  5. Striving for funding from various parties to complete supporting infrastructure for education and teaching, research and community service
  6. Selectively carry out entrance selection for prospective new students at the Faculty of Sports Science.