Faculty leadership speech

 "Welcome to the official website of the Faculty of Sports Science, Padang State University."

The official website of the Faculty of Sports Science, Padang State University (FIK UNP) is a form of application of information technology (IT) which has now spread to almost all fields and institutions, including Padang State University (UNP) which has implemented IT for academic administration services , student affairs, library, finance, personnel inventory and other supporting data. This site is expected to become a means of information among the FIK UNP academic community, especially in learning.

As a means of information, it is felt that this site is not yet perfect in providing data as expected. For this reason, faculty leaders will always try to facilitate every effort to improve the site in a more perfect direction. Every member of the FIK UNP academic community is expected to support and make efforts to convey constructive criticism to the management of this site or to the faculty leadership.

I hope this site is useful for all of us.

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