
1. Mennsana
MensSana Journal is a research and development journal for Physical Education, Health, Recreation, Sports Coaching and Sports Science, managing the Center for Sports Education, Health and Recreation Studies, Department of Sports Education, Faculty of Sports Science, Padang State University
ISSN: 2527-645X (Print)   2622-4917 (Online)
Frequency: Semi-annually (2 issues per year) In May & November
E-mail: menssana@ppj.unp.ac.id
Publikasi Bahasa: Bahasa
Manager's Journal: Arie Asnaldi
This work is licensed under:  Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
2. Community Service Work Journal
Journal of Community Service is a scientific multidisciplinary journal published by the Center for Sports, Health and Recreation Education Studies, Department of Sports Education, Faculty of Sports Science, Padang State University. The purpose of this journal publication is to disseminate conceptual evaluations or ideas and results of community service that have been approved in the field community service.
Journal of Community Service, contains various activities of Teaching Staff, Academics, Institutions in managing various potentials, challenges, challenges and problems that exist in society. Implementation of service activities also involves community and partner participation. Service activities are organized into activities that improve community welfare.
3. Sporta Saintika
The Sporta Saintika Journal is a scientific publication in the field of sports and health related to aspects of sports science, sports education, sports health, sports tourism, sports regulations and policies, nutrition and public health as well as sports performance/sports coaching. The publication of the Sporta Saintika Journal aims to facilitate interaction, discussion and updating of ideas from sports scientists in Indonesia. The Sporta Saintika journal contains empirical research in the field of sports science.
Sporta Saintika Journal is published twice a year (March and September)
The STAMINA Journal is a scientific publication in the field of sports and health related to aspects of sports, physical education, sports physiology and biochemistry, sports regulations and policies, nutrition and public health. The publication of the STAMINA Journal aims to facilitate interaction, discussion and updating of ideas from sports scientists in Indonesia. The STAMINA journal contains empirical research in the field of sports science
The frequency of publication of the Stamina Journal is four times a year (January-March, April-June, July-September and October-December).
5. Performa
The Sports Performance Journal is an online and print publication containing scientific articles in the fields of coaching, sports management, philosophy, pedagogy, physiology, biomechanics, psychology and sports sociology. Published twice a year in the January-June edition and the July-December edition. The journal contains manuscripts of research results, conceptual ideas, theoretical studies, or sports coaching science and technology applications.
6. Patriot
Jurnal Patriot is a publication of scientific articles in the fields of coaching science, sports management, philosophy, pedagogy, physiology, biomechanics, psychology, and sports sociology. It is published twice a year, in January-June and July-December. The journal contains manuscripts of research results, conceptual ideas, theoretical studies, or applications of sports coaching science and technology
7. Jurnal Pendidikan dan Olahraga
This journal contains scientific work covering issues regarding sports education, methods and learning media for physical fitness, nutrition, the community environment as well as coaching for performance sports, recreational sports and traditional sports.