Student Representative Body of the Faculty of Sports Science
Faculty Student Representative Body (BPMF)
Faculty of Sport Science
The Faculty Student Representative Body (BPMF) is a normative body at the faculty level as a forum that supports student activities in developing reasoning and knowledge, interests and hobbies, community service and welfare.
A. BPMF Organizational Structure
BPMF has a management organizational structure that has been mutually agreed at the tertiary level. BPMF management consists of chairman, secretary, treasurer, commission management consisting of chairman, secretary and members.
BPMF management at the Faculty of Sports Science for the 2014-2015 period is structurally described as follows:

B. Duties and Functions of BPM FIK
As the legislative and normative body and the highest representative of students at the Faculty of Sports Science, UNP, BPM FIK functions as a student representative in setting norms, ratifying plans, controlling and evaluating the implementation of the BEM FIK program, as well as accommodating, analyzing and channeling student aspirations at the faculty level to the faculty. The detailed description of the duties of BPM FIK is as follows:
- Implementing the decisions of the Padang State University Student Consultative Council.
- Holding a general election to elect the general chairman of BEM FIK.
- Form, appoint and dismiss the general chairman and management members of BEM FIK with a letter of assignment from BPM FIK with the approval of the BPM FIK supervisor, BEM FIK, and approval from the dean.
- Prepare and determine the Outline of Work Program Guidelines (GBHPK) that will be implemented by BEM FIK with the approval of the BPM FIK and BEM FIK supervisors.
- Assign BEM FIK to implement the determined GBHPK.
- Monitor and develop BEM FIK management members in accordance with the commission field.
- The management of the commissions in BMP FIK considers the BEM FIK activity program plans appointed from GBHPK.
- The Chair of BPM FIK gives approval to the BEM FIK activity program plan which has been considered and approved by the relevant commission from BMP FIK.
- The Chair of the FIK BPM and his staff control and at the same time evaluate the work and results of the FIK BEM.
- Hold a special session if BEM FIK is unable to carry out the tasks given by BPM FIK.
- Attend invitations to meetings or sessions held by the faculty.
- Accountable for the results of work activities to the dean.
- Make changes between the general chairman and members of BEM FIK.
C. Committee, Nomination and Selection Procedures for BPM FIK Management
1. FIK BPM Management Selection Committee
The membership of the selection committee for the BPM FIK management comes from several BPM FIK administrators who are still on duty and one delegate from each HMJ. The structure of the BPM FIK selection committee is based on the policy of the BPM FIK management. The management structure consists of a chairman, secretary and several necessary coordinators.
2. Nomination of FIK BPM Management
Candidates for BPM FIK administrators are proposed from each HMJ. The number of prospective BPM FIK administrators is at least 20 people and a maximum of 30 students. The requirements to become a candidate for BPM FIK management are as follows:
- Have faith in God Almighty.
- Have high personal integrity.
- Virtuous with a leadership spirit.
- Have an understanding of the organization.
- Has been or is currently a HMJ administrator.
- Have high loyalty to the alma mater.
- Not currently in a case or other problem.
- Candidates who are registered and actively participating in education at UNP are in at least the third semester and the maximum is the sixth semester with an average GPA of 2.75.
- Have information about having attended PKKMB, Krida and LKMM at primary or intermediate level.
Procedure for Selection of FIK BPM Management
All candidates are proposed by the Departmental Deliberative Council (MMJ). Positions are determined based on the results of deliberation and agreement of all the candidates sent. Elections are made no later than one month before the management period ends. The determination of a candidate to become a BPM FIK administrator must be known to the BPM FIK supervisor and the management will then be validated by a Dean's Decree with a management period of one year. The BPM FIK management is appointed and dismissed by the dean every year. The general chairman of BPM FIK cannot be re-elected for the next management. Management positions may not be concurrent with other management within the faculty.
D. BPM FIK Working Relations with Other Student Institutions at UNP
BPM FIK is fully responsible for all activities to the dean. The cooperative relationships that BPM FIK has established with student organizations within UNP include:
- Establish coordination with MPM UNP
- Carry out instructions, evaluations and communication with BEM FIK
- Communicate with UKMF and HMJ
- Accommodating the aspirations of faculty students.