Universitas Negeri Padang Delegation Attends International Conference in Japan, Strengthening Global Academic Collaboration
A day before departure, the team from Universitas Negeri Padang met with Professor Ganefri, Ph.D., the Rector, to seek permission for their journey to Japan the following day. The team departed on Saturday, May 11, 2024, and arrived in Japan on...
Brilliant Achievement: Anjellyka Sari Wins Gold at the 1st National Sambo Sport & Combat Championship Bandung Open 2024
Saya sangat berbahagia dan bangga dapat mewakili provinsi Sumatera Barat dalam kompetisi kejuaraan open sambo sport & Combat Bandung open yang diadakan oleh ketua umum persambi. Melalui persiapan yang matang dan kerja keras, saya berhasil meraih juara…
FACULTY OF SPORTS SCIENCE ~ History was created for the first time LSP Padang State University, Faculty of Sports Sciences, carried out a competency test for the trainer occupational scheme. Taking place in the FIK UNP Meeting Room starting at 08.00 on June 12 2024, attended directly by...
FIK UNP carries out a workshop on student entrepreneurship skills organized by the Faculty of Sports Science, Padang State University with the title WORSHOP AND BUSINESS PLAN PROPOSAL TRAINING
Today, Saturday, June 8 2024, FIK UNP has carried out a student entrepreneurship skills workshop organized by the Faculty of Sports Science, Padang State University. This workshop is entitled "WORSHOP AND BUSINESS PLAN PROPOSAL TRAINING" with the theme "student activities...
Faculty of Sports Sciences Holds Work Program Strengthening in 2020
Starting 2020, the Faculty of Sports Sciences (FIK) UNP held a Workshop on Consolidating the 2020 Budget Work Program at the UNP Bukittinggi Mess. This activity was attended by Lecturers and Staff of the Faculty of Sports Science, Program Strengthening Workshop...
FIK-UNP with UNP Representatives in Malaysia holds a limited graduation for professional title experts in Gymnastics and Therapeutic Massage Therapy
The UNP Faculty of Sports Sciences (FIK) in collaboration with UNP Representatives in Malaysia held a limited graduation for the professional title of Gymnastics and Therapeutic Massage Expert entitled "2019 Mini Industrial Convocation" on Thursday (19/12). Graduation ceremony...
Visit of the Coordinating Committee for Human Development and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia to the D3 Nursing Study Program, FIK UNP
Located in the FIK UNP Meeting Room, Tuesday 26 November 2019, Dean Dr. Alnedral, M.Pd. together with all the leaders in the FIK environment, welcomed the Coordinating Team for Human Development and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia in the framework of Coordinating, Synchronizing and Controlling Program Policy...
FIK-UNP Environment Lecturer E-Learning Workshop
As a manifestation of support and concern for the government facing the era of industrial revolution 4.0, the Faculty of Sports Science (FIK) Padang State University (UNP) held an E-Learning workshop in the FIK LT II Meeting Room. Which was attended by lecturers from the FIK-UNP environment. Also...
FIK-UNP Recreational Health Department successfully held ICOSSHT
FIK-UNP, Department of Health and Recreation, Faculty of Sports Science (FIK) Padang State University (UNP) Successfully held The 1st International Conference on Sport Science, Health and Tourism (ICOSSHT) 2019, at the Hospitality Ballroom UNPL Floor IV, 13 to 14 November …
University Sport Consortium International (USCI)
Silahkan Akses: https://conference.fik.unp.ac.id/USCI/payment.php