
Physical Tests for Sports Students Collected, Training Programs More Focused

Padang, West Sumatra – An important stage in the preparation of the training program has been carried out. The collection of physical test data for students from various sports has been completed at the GOR FIK UNP, Padang, on August 3, 2024, which started at 7:30 a.m. The data collected will be an important reference in compiling a more focused and effective training program for students. Students from various sports showed their readiness to undergo a series of tests that they will do.

"We are very grateful because the physical test data collection process went smoothly. This data will be very valuable material for those in charge of the academy to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of each athlete," said Dr. Fahd Mukhtarsyaf, M.Pd., Head of the Physical Test Implementation Committee. "Students who attended were 5 out of a total of 12 students, some students were participating in the championship and were also unable to attend," he continued. The physical test carried out included several measurement posts, namely measuring the height and weight of students, arm muscle strength and endurance, abdominal muscle strength and endurance, waist flexibility, leg and back muscle strength, leg muscle power, running speed, agility and endurance.

This activity marks the beginning of the education process for students at the UNP Sports Academy, who will then enter the learning and training process with the person in charge of each sport. "With this data, those in charge of the academy can design a more specific and focused training program, so that it can help students to reach peak performance," added Prof. Dr. Nurul Ihsan, M.Pd., as the person in charge of the academy and also the dean of the Faculty of Sports Science UNP.

The collection of physical test data is a strategic step in an effort to control and improve students' physical condition. With a more targeted training program, it is hoped that students can maximize their physical abilities. This activity will be carried out quarterly, to see the progress of each student's abilities.

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