
Faculty of Sports Science UNP Warmly Welcomes ISBI Bandung Researchers for Exploration of Art and Psychology in Pencak Silat

On Wednesday, July 24, 2024, the Faculty of Sports Science, Padang State University (UNP) warmly welcomed a visit from the research team from the Indonesian Arts and Culture Institute Bandung (ISBI Bandung). This visit aims to explore more deeply about the art and psychology in the practice of Pencak Silat, a traditional Indonesian sport that is increasingly popular worldwide.

In the event, Dean of the Faculty of Sports Science UNP, Prof. Dr. Nurul Ihsan, M.Pd., expressed his joy over this collaboration as an important step in advancing the world of sports, especially Pencak Silat. He emphasized the need for cross-disciplinary collaboration to support the development and popularity of the sport globally.

The research team from ISBI Bandung who attended, led by Prof. Dr. Sri Rustiyanti, S.Sen., M.Sn., Dr. Wanda Listiani, M.Sn., and Dra. Sriati Dwiatmini, M.Hum., focused on research covering the artistic and psychological aspects of athletes throughout their journey in Pencak Silat. They were interested in understanding more deeply how the art and psychological conditions of athletes affect their performance before, during, and after the match.

This visit is expected to produce a deeper understanding of Pencak Silat as a valuable cultural heritage, as well as pave the way for further collaboration between the Faculty of Sport Science UNP and ISBI Bandung in supporting the development of sports and arts in Indonesia.

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