
Bukittinggi Son Earns Dr Degree in Sports Science

Padang, July 24, 2024 – Ilham, a lecturer at the Faculty of Sports Science, Padang State University (UNP), achieved an extraordinary achievement after successfully obtaining a Doctorate in Sports Science. Ilham successfully completed his studies with a dissertation entitled "Development of a Series of Massage Therapy and Exercises and Psychological Interventions for the Healing of Knee Injuries".

His achievement as a doctor is not only a personal achievement, but also an inspiration for fellow lecturers and students on campus.

"By achieving this degree, I hope to continue to contribute to the development of science, especially in the context of sports therapy," said Ilham enthusiastically.

Dean of the Faculty of Sport Science UNP, Prof. Dr. Nurul Ihsan, welcomed Ilham's achievement. "We are proud of Dr. Ilham's achievement. He has shown a strong commitment to improving the quality of Sport Science. We are confident that this title will further strengthen his contribution to the Faculty of Sport Science UNP.

Vice Dean II of FIK UNP, Prof. Dr. M Sazeli Rifki, S.Si., M.Pd who is also an external examiner appreciates the results of Dr. Ilham's research where the results of this study are useful for accelerating injury recovery in athletes. The benefits of this research are expected to be implemented for athlete injury recovery so that it can improve athlete achievement. 

Ilham expressed his gratitude to his family, colleagues, and all parties who have provided support during his academic journey. Hopefully, this achievement will be an encouragement for Ilham to continue to excel and make meaningful contributions to the advancement of the world of sports in Indonesia.

Congratulations to Dr. Inspiration for this glorious achievement!

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