FIK UNP held a FIBAA simulation on Wednesday, July 17. This activity was carried out in preparation for the FIBAA visitation of the Faculty of Sport Sciences in Cluster 1 which will be carried out on August 6-8, 2024 to obtain FiBAA accreditation which will be assessed directly by FIBAA assessors from Germany. In his remarks, the Dean of FIK expressed his support for the accreditation team to truly mature the preparation for this accreditation. This FIBAA accreditation can improve the ranking of Padang State University, one of which is in the QS World ranking as well as attracting students and establishing cooperation with international stakeholders.
In his closing remarks, the Dean expressed his hope that the results of the FIBAA international accreditation would provide the best value for UNP, especially FIK. This is a momentum for us to improve our international reputation and be accompanied by academic performance and productivity and others that are international in nature. And this must of course be supported by all elements, be it leaders, lecturers, education staff, students and alumni. We hope that we can get the best results.
1.157 / 5.000 This activity was carried out for 1 day, involving the Head of Department, task force team, lecturers, students and alumni. This activity was carried out in the form of interviews and discussions which aimed to ensure that during the accreditation visitation there were no failures in communicating with the assessors. FIBAA UNP accreditation consists of 3 clusters where FIK is included in cluster 1 which consists of three study programs, namely: Physical Education, Health and Recreation, Coaching Education and Sports Science. Participants in this simulation were all teams involved in the visitation consisting of 3 study program management, 4 lecturers, 3 educators from each study program and 4 faculty education staff and 2 students and alumni. This simulation activity was carried out online via zoom meeting whose agenda was adjusted to the agenda that had been sent by FIBAA to UNP so that it was hoped that the study program management, task force, lecturers, education staff, students and alumni could answer the FIBAA team's questions well so that the Faculty of Sport Science gets maximum results in accordance with the FIK UNP tagline Superior and Quality.
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