The Chancellor of Padang State University gave his greetings directly to Rio, the winner of 2 silver medals in sepaktakraw.
Monday, July 8, 2024, at the rector's room on the 4th floor of the UNP rectorate, Dr. Ir Krismadinata, S. T., M. T accompanied by the Director of Student Affairs and Alumni Dr. Asep Sujana Wahyuri, M. Pd. Welcoming the arrival of Rio Zulia Wandra, a student of the Department of Sports Education, Faculty of Sport Science, UNP who has succeeded in providing 2 silver medals in the sepaktakraw sport, in the match held at UNESA Surabaya. This result also provides a place for Indonesia as the overall champion of the Asean University Games above Thailand.
The rector, Dr. Ir Krismadinata, S. T., M. T., directly congratulated and felt happy for the success of UNP students in the international event they participated in, especially the extraordinary achievement of one athlete with 2 silver medals. Hopefully, in the next event, Rio will continue to train and improve his achievements.
Like other outstanding students, Rio immediately received a scholarship from Padang State University as a form of appreciation and recognition for outstanding students in national and international events. This is also expected to be a motivation for all UNP students to be able to excel.