
The Faculty of Sports Science Becomes the Choice for the Provincial Level Athletics Championship in 2024

The West Sumatra Athletics Association (PASI) organized the Provincial Level Athletics Championship for 16 and 18-year-olds. The event took place over two days, on July 4th and 5th, 2024, at the Faculty of Sports Science, Universitas Negeri Padang. Participants came from various districts and cities within West Sumatra. Events included the 60m sprint for women, 400m sprint for men/women, 5000m run for men/women, as well as throwing events like javelin throw and shot put, and jumping events such as long jump.

The Provincial Level Championship event was officially opened by the Head of the Youth and Sports Office of West Sumatra Province, Mr. Drs. Maifrizon, M.Si. In his address, he highlighted PASI as one of the most active Provincial Branch Sports Associations. At the conclusion of the event, Mr. Maifrizon expressed his appreciation for the outstanding athletic facilities provided by the Faculty of Sports Science and expressed hope that next year, the National Championship could be held at the same venue.

In addition, Vice Dean I of the Faculty of Sports Science, Mr. Dr. Padli, S.Si., M.Pd., who accompanied the Head of the Youth and Sports Office, expressed his hope that every sports event in West Sumatra can continue to be held using the excellent facilities and infrastructure available, particularly those provided by the Faculty of Sports Science, which are of international standard.

The Provincial Championship was also attended by various sports experts, particularly in athletics, such as Prof. Dr. Arsil, M.Pd., and Prof. Dr. Eddy Marheni, M.Pd.

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