FACULTY OF SPORTS SCIENCE ~ History was created for the first time LSP Padang State University, Faculty of Sports Science, carried out a competency test for the trainer occupational scheme. Taking place in the FIK UNP Meeting Room starting at 08.00 on June 12 2024, attended directly by Deputy Chancellor IV Prof. Dr. Yasri, MS. Head of LSP UNP Dr. Mulya Gusman, S.T., M.T. Dean of FIK UNP Prof.Dr. Nurul Ihsan, M. Pd. Head of the Sports Coaching Department Dr. Masrun, M. Kes. Head of Recreation Health Department Dr. Ridho Bahtra, M. Pd. The UNP LSP team, TUK committee and competency test participants consisted of 26 FIK UNP lecturers.

"The implementation of TUK FIK UNP is the most awaited one, said the head of LSP UNP because it has been prepared for more than 2 years by the FIK team and thank God, FIK UNP's desire to hold activities that are closely related to achieving human resource quality standards has been achieved," said Dr. Mulya Gusman"
This was continued by the Dean of FIK UNP, Prof. Nurul Ihsan said that we were the first to have BNSP certification specifically in the sports sector. Don't forget that this Competency Test activity was initiated by the Physical Trainer Training activity which was attended by 3 neighboring provinces, South Sumatra, Riau and Jambi. In the end, the Competency Test of the Occupational Trainer scheme was carried out directly. Collaboration was also supported by the National Sports Institute led by Prof. Ria Lumintuarso with the presence of resource person Dr. Devi Tirtawirya, M. Or.
"The opening was immediately opened by Vice Chancellor IV Prof. Yasri is the target for implementing competency

Overall, each faculty should have its own competency scheme in accordance with the field of knowledge in order to strengthen the skills and expertise of lecturers and students, especially FIK UNP, who rely on skills and ultimately be able to compete at the highest level."
The activities that take place start from the Pre-Assessment, Implementation of the Assessment and Competency Test. The assessors consisted of 3 people who had been assigned by LSP UNP Prof. Dr. Anton Komaini, M. Pd. Endang Sepdanius, S. Si., M. Or. and Andri Gemaini, S. Si., M. Pd. The end of the assessment is processed directly by LSP UNP and the graduation results are announced later.

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