Category Archives: Pendidikan Olahraga S1

Jurusan PO FIK-UNP Sukses Gelar International Conference Physical Education ke 2

2nd ICPE Keynote Speaker

2nd ICPE Keynote Speaker

FIK-UNP Jurusan Pendidikan Olahraga Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP) melaksanakan International Conference Physical Education ke 2 dengan  tema “Physical Education in the Covid Era: Remote Instruction” secara daring via Zoom Meeting dan Live YouTube info fik yang dihadiri oleh seluruh tamu undangan termasuk pada peserta presenter conference , Selasa (26/10/21)

Pada kegiatan conference ICPE ke 2 kali ini menghadirkan 3 pakar dari luar negeri dan 1 pakar dari dalam Negeri yaitu; Dr. Wallapa Choeibuakaew (Thaksin University, Thailand), Dr. Muhamad Hafiz Bin Ismail (University Of Technology, Malaysia), Prof. Dr. Syafruddin, M.Pd (Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia) dan Prof Aj Ali PhD, MSc, BSc (Hons) Massey University, New Zealand.

Pandemic covid 19 tidak mengurungkan niat panitia yang di ketuai oleh Prof. Dr. Kamal Firdaus, M.Kes., AIFO untuk menggelar international conference. Acara berlangsung secara

International Conference Of Physcal Education“PHYSICAL EDUCATION, IN THE COVID ERA : REMOTE INSTRUCTION”

leaflet icpeWe warmly invite you to participate in the 2nd International Conference on Physcal Education that will be held on Oktober, 26th 2021 in Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia. Since participants may come from different countries with variety of backgrounds, the conference is excellent forum for participants to exchange research findings and ideas on Physcal Education to build networks for further collaborations.

Scope The scope of the conference must follow these following sub themes: 1. Curriculum of Physical Education 2. Teaching Media in Physical Education 3. Teaching and